Day: April 30, 2023

Adam and Eve

Satan’s War On Women – From The Garden To Victory

Jesus Set Women Free – Why Do The Religious Insist On Bondage?

Starting in the Garden, satan sought to divide mankind from God, and split man from woman. Explaining the results of their sin, and the curse that now was on the Earth, God said there would be hostility between satan and the woman, and between her seed and his seed. Why? Because his downfall would come via a woman. Therefore, the adversary would make childbirth challenging. And finally, Eve would turn away from God towards Adam, and the result would be he would dominate her.

God Who Made THEM From The Beginning, Made THEM Male And Female. (Matthew 19:4)

When was the last time you studied the Creation Story in Genesis, or heard a sermon on it, or read some commentary on those events? The first few chapters are full of Revelation, establishing the foundation for the relationship between man and God, man and satan, and of course man and woman. If it has been a while, think about what you learned in the past, and consider the following questions.

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