Tag: God

Adam and Eve

Satan’s War On Women – From The Garden To Victory

Jesus Set Women Free – Why Do The Religious Insist On Bondage?

Starting in the Garden, satan sought to divide mankind from God, and split man from woman. Explaining the results of their sin, and the curse that now was on the Earth, God said there would be hostility between satan and the woman, and between her seed and his seed. Why? Because his downfall would come via a woman. Therefore, the adversary would make childbirth challenging. And finally, Eve would turn away from God towards Adam, and the result would be he would dominate her.

God Who Made THEM From The Beginning, Made THEM Male And Female. (Matthew 19:4)

When was the last time you studied the Creation Story in Genesis, or heard a sermon on it, or read some commentary on those events? The first few chapters are full of Revelation, establishing the foundation for the relationship between man and God, man and satan, and of course man and woman. If it has been a while, think about what you learned in the past, and consider the following questions.

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Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? Truth Or Treat?

Much of Halloween glorifies evil and darkness, and is designed to instill fear. Believers should have nothing to do with any of these.

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He Was A Good Man

There was a recent article that mentioned an exchange between a young boy and the Pope. The boy was allowed to ask the Pope the following question.

“A short time ago, my dad died. He was an atheist, but he had all four of his children baptized. He was a good man. Is Dad in heaven?”

You can hear the Pope’s answer below.

Pope gives sweet answer to heartsick boy who lost his papa

Our hearts break for this little boy who lost his father. When he told Pope Francis that he was worried his papa wasn’t in heaven, the Pope had a beautiful response.

Posted by Detroit Free Press on Friday, April 27, 2018

I’m not here to criticize his response. The question grabbed my attention as I thought about how I would respond. The boy in the picture looked no older than 10. I may be wrong, as kids are getting so much bigger at much earlier ages. Certainly, the child’s maturity would factor into any explanation I would attempt to share.

Only God can answer such a question definitively, as He is the only one that knows what is in every person’s heart. And a mature Believer can be confident, based on God’s Word, of their present state in Christ, and future with His Heavenly Father. (Romans 8:31-39, 1 John 3:18-24)

It is not uncommon for the parents and family of criminals or terrorists, to claim that their child or brother was a good man. They only saw what was on the outside, how the individual behaved in their presence. God knows our thoughts, desires, and dreams. He sees what is done behind closed doors and in darkness. And more importantly, He knows who truly is in His family. (John 10:1-18)

But the Lord said to Samuel, Look not on his appearance or at the height of his stature, for I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. — 1 Samuel 16:7 (<AMP>)

And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God. — Luke 18:18-19 (<KJV>)

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Freedom From Religion

Around every Christian holiday, I can count on seeing a post or two shared on Facebook from an organization whose mission in life is to be free from religion. Strangely, I strongly endorse their efforts – but likely not in the way they imagine.

To understand what religion is, you must travel back to the beginning. God created Adam from the dust of the ground and filled him with spiritual life. He placed His children in the Garden and gave them dominion over the Earth.

However, they weren’t alone for long. There was an enemy present, Satan. His rebellion before led to a catastrophic judgment of Earth, leaving it in darkness, and covered with water. This was the condition when God recreated the earth in Genesis 1. He was an outsider, an intruder, and had Adam or Eve exercised their authority, they could have sent him packing. Instead, he engaged in a conversation with Eve. And she listened to what he had to say.

The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the LORD God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”
“Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,” the woman replied.
“It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, ‘You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.’”
“You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman.
“God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.”
— Genesis 3:1-5 (<NLT>)

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Read The Word

To Suffer Or Not To Suffer

I recently took part in a discussion on suffering, specifically Christian suffering. All the usual anecdotes were offered, the unborn, the premature death, the physically disabled, those born into poverty, or living in war zones. The usual Biblical examples were dragged out – Job and Paul’s thorn. It makes you wonder what Bible people read. Let’s take a look at some of these examples.

In a passage often quoted from Job 1, Satan complained to God because He had placed a hedge around Job, and blessed all the works of his hands to the point that he was the richest man in the East. For Believers, this should be cause for hope. Instead, this passage is often misunderstood as either God, or Satan, removing the hedge and attacking Job. If this is what you have been taught, you need to dig deeper into God’s Word. The Bible tells you exactly what brought that hedge down, and hindered the Blessing. It definitely was not God, or Satan directly.

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The Shining One – The Old Serpent

When I was a wee lad, there was a series of books published featuring the entire Bible illustrated in comic book form. I devoured each one, fascinated by the stories, miracles, and such a wonderful God. I soon graduated to a children’s RSV, and then the Thompson Chain-Reference KJV my parents gave me in high school. Now, I have many translations – electronic, printed, and with the Internet, seemingly an unlimited supply of options to consider.

I have always read the Bible as God’s Truth. I also understand that His Words are filtered through men. Different translations, unfamiliar languages, strange religious practices, or cultural nuances, can make the Bible challenging at times. Religious tradition may create boundaries that make it difficult for the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s Truth. But if you keep digging, continue searching and expecting God to reveal the meaning of a passage, it will come.

I say all that to set the premise of this post.

For years the idea of a talking snake in the Garden of Eden troubled my spirit. Serpents do not have vocal chords. Other than hissing, it would take a miracle for a snake to captivate, or beguile, Eve. Yes, I know the story of Balaam and his donkey, but that was God, and a much more advanced mammal.

God created all the animals and gave man dominion over them. Adam, created in the image of God and sharing His Glory, named all the animals – charting their destiny. This was much more than just dreaming up cute names. All that God created was good. Knowing all this, how could an animal, a created beast, defy God and His delegated ruler on the Earth, and be used by this fallen, evil spirit? Something about this did not make any sense. I did not have an answer, so I simply agreed with religious tradition that it was a literal snake. But the uneasiness never departed.

Now the Shining One was more clever than any animal of the field that the LORD God had made. It asked the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You are not to eat from any tree of the garden’?”
(Genesis 3:1 <ISV>)

Note the translation above. Before I came across the ISV translation, I had just received E.W. Bullinger’s Companion Bible – I highly recommend this as a resource for any serious Bible student. He was a brilliant theologian/Biblical scholar from the late 19th century, and his books have helped me in many areas of study. It was in his Bible (Appendix 19) where he lays out the case for the word translated serpent (or snake – nachash) can also be translated (shining one, or to shine) as seen in the ISV translation above. This is the only Bible translated this way that I have seen. If you do not have Bullinger’s resource in your library, click on the Appendix 19 link above to see his compelling explanation online.

Bullinger wrote extensively on figures of speech in the Bible, identifying numerous times where this technique is employed. I don’t want to steal his thunder, and honestly can add little to Bullinger’s case. Read the link for yourself with an open mind and see if your spirit agrees. (Colossians 3:13-16)

As you dig deeper into Genesis Chapter 3, it is clear that the author is not talking about a literal serpent. The prophetic phrase “bruise his heel” does not mean a literal snakebite. It is widely accepted as figurative language about the temporary suffering of Jesus. Just as the “crush his head” promise means the absolute destruction of Satan’s plans and power. “On your belly” can be seen in the utter humiliation of Satan, and in God’s promise to make “your enemies a footstool under your feet.” If this is all figurative language, why not the serpent in verse 1? (Psalm 110:1, Matthew 22:44, Luke 20:43, Acts 2:35, Romans 16:20)

Without a doubt, all of creation suffered when the curse entered the Earth. The snake was a beautiful animal created by the Wisdom and Love of God. And like many animals, its nature was forever changed by its new ruler Satan, the god of this world. God did not curse His creation. He loved it. The curse came because of sin. Just as the curse was forever broken by the Last Adam. (Psalm 104:21-25, Romans 5:12-21, 8:19-25)

In the wilderness, Satan attempted to beguile Jesus. If he tempted the Last Adam directly, why not the first? You can even see parallels in the questioning of Eve and Jesus – attempting to pervert God’s Word by challenging its veracity, sowing confusion, and then suggesting outright rebellion. An animal could not operate with this level of spiritual knowledge, although perverted, without a spiritual father in complete control. And while demons do seek opportunities to inhabit people, they don’t do so well possessing animals. Note the story of Legion and the herd of pigs. The whole herd stampeded off a cliff and drowned in the water below after the demons entered the pigs. (Matthew 8:23-34, Mark 5:1-8, Luke 8:22-37)

God gave man dominion over all animals in the Garden. If Satan were even able to speak through a serpent, as God did with Balaam’s donkey, would a snake be able to “beguile” Eve? Would not a spiritual being, a “shining one” appearing to Eve have much more influence? Eve had a personal relationship with her Heavenly Father. Would an animal so easily undermine her faith? An animal questioning God’s Word might not get much consideration. However, a spiritual being would get her attention. Paul writes that, “even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” Is this aside a reference to Satan’s work in the Garden? (2 Corinthians 11:14)

The verb (nachash) is translated enchant, fascinate, charm, hypnotize, bewitch, divine, or occult knowledge. I don’t believe it is a coincidence that these all come from darkness. This is another confirmation that we are dealing with a force that is much greater than even a possessed literal snake – which is essentially the way I reasoned it away for many years. Consider the way Eve was led away from the Truth. The shining one tested her knowledge of God’s Word, causing Eve to doubt God’s Goodness and then she embellished His Truth. With the seed of doubt planted, Satan went in for the kill – the end result would be immediate spiritual death, physical death would come later. Satan defied God, telling her that she would not die, claiming that partaking of the tree would give her knowledge of good and evil – something neither Adam or her needed when they were walking in fellowship with their Creator. Eve heard the lie. She believed the lie. And the deception led her and Adam into sin. Paul explains later by the Holy Spirit that Adam was not deceived, which makes the incident all the more interesting. When the temptation first came, by quoting God’s Word correctly, and trusting in God’s Goodness, the fall would have never happened. (Genesis 3:1-13, 2 Corinthians 11:3, 1 Timothy 2:14)

The serpent story is a distraction, it causes confusion and is a source of division. God’s Word is perfect and True, but it sometimes must flow through imperfect people. That’s why you have the Holy Spirit. And as Daniel predicted, knowledge is increasing. This is an age where you can access hundreds of Bibles, dictionaries, and commentaries sitting at your laptop. Never in history has there been such a plethora of knowledge available on ancient languages, figures of speech, and customs. There are more Spirit-filled ministries, teachers, and lay people than ever before. There is no reason to not know God’s Truth in every area, and reject any religious tradition that is contrary to God’s Word. (Daniel 12:4, John 16:13-15)

You may be wondering, why does this even matter? Faith is believing in Jesus and trusting God’s Word. As you hear God’s Word, your spirit (heart) recognizes Truth. With the heart you believe, and with your mouth you confess that Jesus is Lord. At that moment you are SPIRITUALLY reborn. God remodels your spirit and takes up residency. You become a New Creation in Christ. Unfortunately, the mind and body must be trained. In the case of the mind, you must renew your mind with the Word of God as you grow in faith by feeding on the Word. This whole process is undermined by doubt, confusion, and unbelief.

For the unbeliever living under Satan’s control, the thought of a talking snake may sound like mythology. That may be enough for them to dismiss the Bible as fiction, and ignore the Gospel completely. It is God’s Living Word that convicts people and leads them to Christ. A simple translation error, or not rightly dividing a figure of speech, should not stand in the way of anyone’s Eternal destination. Satan erects enough barriers in this world to thwart the spread of the Gospel, Christians should not be making his work any easier.

The baby, or carnal Christian, may also be led astray. They might reason that the Bible can’t be trusted. Every supernatural event, or promise of God, may come into question. Because of centuries of religious tradition, teaching, and hundreds of artistic representations of a snake talking to Eve in the Garden of Eden, even a mature Christian may balk at accepting this.

And, if you are like me, you may finally have peace about Genesis 3. I knew Satan was involved, but the role of a snake was an unnecessary distraction. I was not even actively researching this issue when Bullinger’s book arrived. Then, I found the ISV translation, and all the pieces started coming together. I remembered the reference to Satan as the “old serpent which deceiveth the world” in Revelation. If he is referred to as the old serpent there, surely that refers back to the first ‘serpent’ that started this mess. (Revelation 12:9-11)

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
(1 Peter 5:8 <KJV>)

You must recognize your enemy to put him under your feet. If Satan can hide in the shadows, make you focus on a literal snake in this instance, he can just as easily fool you into thinking that God made you sick. You might blame your Heavenly Father when things go bad instead of the real troublemaker. Or the devil could try to convince you that you will never be good enough for God. Satan can deceive you in a hundred different ways that prevent you from enjoying all that God has given to you. The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. His primary weapons are fear, lies, deception, confusion, and strife. Jesus came to give you life, in abundance, to the full, till it overflows.  And Jesus has given you the spiritual tools to whip the enemy, and enjoy all of His Blessing and Favor – Faith, Truth, Love, Peace, and Joy. (John 10:10, 1 Peter 5:6-10)

Peter writes that the adversary is like a lion – yet another use of a figure of speech comparing Satan to an animal. Note that Satan is seeking someone whom he may devour. You don’t have to be his victim. He can’t harm you if you are vigilant, sober, know and speak the Truth. And in case you are wondering, the battle is already won. Satan was defeated. You are more than a conqueror. Meaning that you get to share in the spoils of victory without doing the fighting. Sure persecution comes because of the Word’s sake, but spiritually, you are already seated with Christ. You are simply enforcing Satan’s defeat while you still have a body on this planet. Satan attempts to deceive the world and accuse Believers. But faith in the Blood of Jesus, and God’s Word in your mouth, is too much for the enemy. (Mark 4:17, Romans 8:31-39, Ephesians 2:4-10, Colossians 2:13-15, Revelation 12:9-11)

Birds Eat The Seed Sown
As Birds Eat the Seed Sown On The Path, Satan Comes Immediately To Steal The Word Sown In Your Heart.

When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.
(Matthew 13:19 <KJV>)

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Did God Really Say…

In my last post, I discussed the Blessing, the fall of man, along with Satan’s temptation of Eve. If you missed the article, I recommend taking a quick peek back before continuing. One of the most common weapons the devil uses to undermine faith, is to get people to doubt God’s Word. Because if you doubt God’s Word, your faith will definitely fail. How can you have faith in someone, if you don’t trust their word?

Just the other day I was sitting in a church listening to a sermon on Hezekiah, the Assyrian invasion of Judah, and the siege of Jerusalem (2 King 18:13-37, 2 Kings 19:1-37). This is a wonderful story of how God supernaturally destroyed the Assyrian invasion force, 185,000 men in a single night. Hezekiah had heard Sennacherib’s threats, and instead of worrying about it, or focusing on the circumstances, he turned the problem over to someone who could handle it, God.  But that’s where the sermon derailed a bit. The pastor started to undermine the story – maybe it wasn’t 185,000 killed, or perhaps there was a plague, or maybe the writer embellished the story. Though momentarily offtrack, he somewhat recovered by mentioning the decline of the Assyrian Empire from that point, and the fact that Judah would remain independent for another 100+ years until Babylon invaded. Unfortunately though, the damage had already been done. Because you don’t believe the story because historians, theologians, or even archaeologists think its true. You believe the story because God’s Word is Truth. Natural evidence may put your mind at ease, but faith rests in your spirit. You KNOW the Word is true in your heart first, and you renew your mind with the Word of God until it falls in line with your spirit. Faith comes from hearing the Word of God. But you must have spiritual “ears that hear.” (Matthew 11:15, Mark 4:9, John 16:12-15, Romans 10:17, 12:2, 1 Corinthians 2:4-16, Galatians 3:1-6, Ephesians 4:15-23, 5:6-10)

This is where so many Christians miss it. Its the little foxes that ruin the vines (Ecclesiastes 10:1, Song of Solomon 2:15, 1 Corinthians 5:6-7). With just a couple of comments, sermon fodder if you will, seeds of doubt and unbelief were planted. Because this is an educated man, he must know the Bible so much more than you, right? Maybe the Bible is embellished elsewhere? You see how easily it is to undermine the Truth of God’s Word? This should not be the case. And imagine the compounding effect of 2,000 years of errors, doubt, and unbelief. Its not surprising that Christianity has been weak, disorganized, and ineffective at times in the past. But those days are over. There are more Believers, more Spirit-filled teachers, and more opportunities to study the Word than ever before. The Body of Christ is alive and well, growing and getting stronger every day!

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 <NLT>)

Take the bold confession that Jesus makes in John 14:6-7. How often have even good Christian folks suggested that Jesus was not the only way. Religion has presented a plethora of alternatives, and argued against God’s free gift of Salvation by faith in Jesus. There have been great theological divisions caused by those that disagreed on whether Jesus was the way or not. How can that be? Here it is in black and white, or even printed in red in some Bibles.

In verse 7 Jesus adds, “If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know him and have seen him!” Now, what are you as a Believer going to do with that? This is where the rubber meets the road. Jesus is telling you that if you have seen him, and also if you know him, you know the Father. You must set aside any religious or secular ideas that Jesus was just a prophet, or just a good man. Either he is the Son of God, as he claims, or he is crazy. And if you have read this far, I assume you fall into the former category, not the latter. If you know that Jesus is the Son of God, the Word made flesh, you can trust ALL that he says. (John 1:1-14, 4:21-26, 8:42-47, 10:7-16, 10:25-30, Revelation 1:8, 1:17-18)

The Word of God is Spirit and Truth. It is Alive and very capable of being understood and trusted. The Holy Spirit has been given to you to lead you into all Truth, to confirm God’s Word and guide you. But the whole house comes crumbling down once you start doubting God’s Word. (John 6:63, 14:16-17, 17:17, Hebrews 4:12-13)

Note the parable of the two men who built houses. One built his house on sand, and the wind and the flood swept it away. But the man that built his house on a rock, the same wind and flood came, but the house did not fall. What was the difference? The parable was about two men who heard the Word of God. One forgot the Word. This was the man that lost his house. The other heard the Word, and was a doer of the Word. He was the one that built his house on The Rock. His house was not built on a man, an opinion, a church, a denomination, or even a religion. Instead, he built his house on an Eternal Truth that will never fail. Jesus is that Rock. He is that Word. The Word, Jesus, is that solid Spiritual Foundation that will never crumble, and never fail. (Matthew 7:24-27, Luke 6:46-48, 1 Corinthians 3:9-11, Ephesians 2:19-22, 1 Peter 2:2-9)

Did God really say…

Doubting, or questioning the Word, is not something new. You see it from the very beginning, with Satan challenging God’s Word in the Garden (Genesis 3:1). Every evil report, all doubt, fear, and unbelief is either directly, or indirectly from the devil, or his spiritual kids. You see it again in the wilderness, when Satan challenged Jesus saying, “If you are the Son of God…” Jesus did not even argue or debate this fact. He knew the Truth. He simply countered with “It is written…” By quoting God’s Word, he was speaking Truth (Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13). The devil could not counter the Truth. He was so thoroughly whipped that he left Jesus “for a season.”

The reality of Satan’s attacks against the Word are vividly revealed in the Parable of the Sower. Jesus said that the seeds that fell along the path were scooped up by the birds. When pressed for the meaning of this, Jesus explained that when someone hears the Word of God, and does not understand it, Satan comes immediately to steal it away. (Matthew 13:16-23, Mark 4:13-20, Luke 8:9-15)

Let’s put this in simple Texas terms. You see in your Bible, “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.” (Psalm 118:17) You confess that verse, meditate on it, and praise God for His wonderful promise. And then you visit the doctor. He tells you there is nothing else medical science can do for you. Your friends pat you on the head and say that they will, “remember you in their prayers.” Your family starts making arrangements for your estate, and planning your funeral. Your preacher stops by and says, “The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.”

Whose report are you going to believe? You can stick to God’s Word, find all His promises of long life, health, joy, and feed on just that Truth. Or you can allow Satan to steal the Word from you. Well, the doctor is an expert, with years of training. Yes, but he is also just “practicing” in the arena of the body and the mind. Friends and family mean well, but they may be trapped in the emotional and mental domains. And if their spiritual foundation is not solid, they are easily swayed by the enemy. The preacher, well, its just time to find a new church, one that Believes (and understands) the Word. Even if everyone else is liar, God is true (Romans 3:3-4). No matter what happens in the physical, or temporal world, it is subject to change. (2 Corinthians 4:13-18)

I came that they may enjoy life in abundance.

Dig into the Word, and never stop fighting (and winning). Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus came to give you Abundant Life! You couldn’t keep people in the casket when Jesus visited. Nor could sickness or demons continue to oppress folks who approached Jesus in faith. He never changes! Nothing will EVER separate you from God’s Love. (John 10:10, Romans 5:17, 8:35-39)

Hezekiah was facing an early death. Isaiah visited him to tell him to get his house in order. Before the prophet could even get out of the building, Hezekiah got his SPIRITUAL HOUSE in order. Isaiah had to turn around and tell him the good news that he would live 15 more years. Did God change? No. Hezekiah did though, and it saved his life. (2 Kings 20:1-11, Isaiah 38:1-8)

“We wish we had died in Egypt,” they wailed, “or even here in the wilderness,” (Numbers 14:2 <TLB>)

Twelve spies entered the Promised Land. They all saw the massive walled cities, the giants, the fruit, and the goodness of the land. It truly was a “land flowing with milk and honey.” When they returned to the Children of Israel, they showed them the fruit, and told them how good the land was. Two spies suggested they go up and take it at once, since God had promised it to them – they had His Word on it. The other 10 said that they could not take the land. The walls were too thick, giants too big, and they were just too small. The entire congregation believed what God called an “evil report.” This same congregation had witnessed all the miracles in Egypt, the parting of the sea, the food and water in the wilderness, but they could not trust that God would be with them when they entered the Promised Land. A whole generation rebelled against God. For 40 years, they wandered in the wilderness until all that did not trust God had died. When it was finally time for the next generation to enter, only the two spies (Joshua and Caleb) that trusted God were still alive (and healthy) to enter the land with the people. (Numbers 13:25-33, 14:1-11, 14:23-37)

The story shows the importance of placing your trust on something solid, like God’s Word, and not experience. All the adults that were in Egypt had been eyewitnesses of tremendous miracles. God had led them out, judging Egypt, and obtaining extraordinary favor for His children. They left with all the wealth of the land, a complete recompense for their 400 years of slavery. There was not one feeble person among them, and every need was met throughout the journey to the edge of the Promised Land. Even after such an impressive display of divine power, provision, and love, they still doubted God’s ability. That unbelief prevented them from entering the Promised Land, and cut their life short. That was not God’s plan for their lives. (Genesis 15:13-14, Exodus 12:35-36, Numbers 14:26-35, Psalm 95:6-11, 105:23-45, Hebrews 3:12-19)

Unfortunately, you can’t build faith on experiences. You build faith by hearing the Word. Through fellowship, trust is established and confidence grows. With an established relationship in place, anchored by faith in God’s Word, what some might call the miraculous, or the supernatural, becomes the way things are. God doesn’t fill you with the Holy Spirit, declare you Blessed, dispatch an angel to encamp around you, request that you command His Hands, place a hedge about you, give you The Word, as well as the Name and Blood of Jesus, among so many other wonderful gifts and precious promises, just so you can be a miserable failure, and die way before you complete His plan for your life. If you are a Believer, you have overcome the world, even if you don’t know it yet. Jesus died so that you would reign in life through him. (Genesis 1:26-31, Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Joshua 1:7-9, Job 1:6-10, Psalm 23:1-6, 34:4-7, 91:1-16, Isaiah 45:11, John 14:9-21, 14:23-27, Romans 5:15-17, Hebrews 10:17-23, 1 John 1:7-10, 5:1-5, Revelation 12:11)

 I will not break my covenant; I will not take back a single word I said. (Psalm 89:34 <NLT>)

Do you know any honest Presidents? What about politicians, reporters, or salespeople, do you know any honest ones? In this modern world, truth is a rare commodity. Its so very difficult to find people of integrity. That might explain the hesitancy for folks to trust their Creator. Heck, you may not even trust yourself. With God however, this should not be a problem. His Word is His Power. If He says, “Light Be!” LIGHT IS! That’s not the best English, but it makes the point. As I have said before, you can take God’s Word to Heaven’s bank, and it will never  bounce, and the bank will never fail! You need to approach God’s Word with reverence, and respect. And when you see a promise of God for you, know for sure that all of Heaven stands behind that Word.

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In the Garden of Eden

And God Blessed Them

“Why Did This Happen To me?”

Its a question that gets asked far too often. And unfortunately, it is often coupled with a belief that tragedy, sickness, or death was sent by God. It is like a no-fault religion. A belief system that takes absolutely no responsibility for what happens in life. But as in the natural world, you have cause and effect. In the spiritual world, its called sowing and reaping.

This topic sometimes makes people uncomfortable. The opposite should be the case, especially for Believers. If you are prone to ask these types of questions, or question God, remind yourself of God’s ultimate will for mankind. This can be found throughout the Bible. But let’s look at Genesis 1 to get started – underlining added for emphasis.

God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth. (Genesis 1:26 <AMP>)

Mankind was made in the image of God. He was made to fellowship with God. He was made to exercise creative ability like God. He was made to release faith with the spoken Word like God. As God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit exist as one, man is a three-part creation – spirit (heart), soul (mind, will & emotions), and body. God created the Earth and gave mankind dominion. Think about that for a second. This authority was not given to angels, but to mankind! Man is to reign as king over the Earth in partnership with God. (Romans 5:17, Revelation 5:9-10)

Instead of looking at your life, or your own personal limitations, look at God. Look at what He can do. He is your Heavenly Father. Jesus is your example, and you are called to imitate him. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! (Matthew 19:26, Luke 1:37)

Christ is not Jesus’ last name. It means Anointed One, or the Anointing. You are a Christian, a follower of Christ. The Anointing, and the Anointed One, is on and in you! And don’t forget, its the Anointing that removes burdens and destroys yokes. (Isaiah 10:27, Luke 4:18-19, 1 John 2:27)

The day God created Adam, all of creation wondered about this copy of God that was to rule the Earth. Copy of God you ask? What does “in our image” or “after our likeness” truly mean to you? Meditate on that for a time. You are a copy of God! Do children look or act much different from their parents? Why would God’s children be any different from Him? But that wasn’t the end of Creation. (Psalm 8:3-9, John 20:17, Romans 8:14-16, Galatians 4:5-7)

So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them.
And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth. (Genesis 1:27-28 <AMP>)

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God Is Not The Unjust Judge And You Are Not The Widow

In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus gives a short parable about a widow who keeps coming before an unjust judge, badgering him until he finally gives her justice. Then Jesus explains that God is nothing like the unjust judge, and will grant justice speedily to all who call on him. He ends the parable with an interesting question,

“But when I, the Son of Man, return, will I find people who have faith?”

Luke prefaces the story with an introductory line telling folks the parable is about praying, and not giving up. A common explanation for the parable is that Believers should keep praying until they get the answer. But what sometimes gets communicated, or understood, is the notion that you need to act like the widow, and pester God until He gives you what you want. It seems people are more focused on the actions of the widow and the godless judge, rather than God’s promise to grant justice speedily.

Why Do So Many Christians Identify With The Widow In This Parable?

The question is worth considering. Here is a woman without a husband or power, and desperate for someone to avenge her loss. She’s begging a godless judge for help, badgering him until he relents to the pressure. Does that in any way resemble the life of Jesus, who we are to imitate? Does the godless judge sound anything like your Heavenly Father? Does the Christian life, as defined by the New Testament writers, in any way present an image of a defeated, or helpless Believer begging for help? With so much evidence to the contrary, why would anyone want to identify with a poor widow who is groveling for justice? Admire her boldness. Appreciate her patience and persistence. But by the Glorious Grace of God, don’t see yourself in her position!

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Do You Believe In Love?

There is nothing wrong with romance and attraction. But that type of love, and those types of feelings, will not be the firm foundation you need to build a committed relationship. You need a love that is spiritual, eternal, and cannot fail. This is not a feeling, but a supernatural force that can change you into a reflection of Love Himself, who is Truth.

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The Terribly Scary Storm

The Story Behind The Terribly Scary Storm

“Boris learns a valuable lesson about fear when he faces a scary thunderstorm.” – Harrison Woodard


The Terribly Scary Storm

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Spiritual, But Not Religious

I am fascinated by people who proclaim themselves spiritual, but not religious. I first started seeing this in the dating/singles world and then later with celebrities as a technique to distance themselves from the sometimes awkward subject of religion. Much like the independent or moderate tags come up when it comes to politics, the term spiritual sounds to some as more worldly, or dare I say transcendent.

The wicked are too proud to seek God. They seem to think that God is dead. — Psalm 10:4 <NLT>

What is meant when someone says they are spiritual?

If you reject the God found in the Bible, you can find all sorts of spiritual movements. From ancient religions, to the occult, mysticism, new age, and even the worship of nature of all things. Charlatans are plenteous, duping the gullible with some new, higher way of thinking, and a brand new cult. They all share the same source – a rebellious and perverted angel determined to drag as many down with him as possible.

Entertainment is saturated with stories, movies, and shows that glorify the supernatural and the occult. People are drawn to stories of superheroes and those with higher powers. Life after death and eternal life are themes that are readily prevalent in every culture and religion.

People experience trauma – death, divorce, sickness or failure, and try to find meaning in philosophy, meditation, psychology or other carnal creations. Many of these while not necessarily evil, may miss the root of the problem which is often spiritual, not mental.

It would seem obvious that on some basic level, people know that there is a spiritual world. And only a fool would dare suggest that there are not forces, both good and evil in the world.

What some may call their conscience, or that “voice in my head” is sometimes the spirit world making contact. The source, if not discerned properly, might lead to deadly consequences if you blindly follow it. And sometimes, it just might be the Holy Spirit sent to keep you from harm.

For example, I was on a drunken fraternity trip in college when from deep inside, I had a very strong notion that it was time to leave, NOW! In an instant, even though I had been partying all day at the lake, I was completely sober and knew in my spirit that it was time to go. I am never one to ever be afraid – part of that is my Christian upbringing, the other part is my 6’5″ frame. So fear was not present. It was just a rather firm suggestion that it was time to go home. I found enough sober drivers to get everyone back on the road and home safely before dawn. The plan had been to stay overnight in a very remote area of a state park. This was in the fall when tourists and families were few and far between, and law enforcement was rarely seen.

I got home and jumped in bed, thinking nothing spectacular about the evening’s events. After church on Sunday, my Mother called. In the middle of the night the Holy Spirit had asked her to pray for my safety. She had no natural knowledge of my trip, or what might be happening to me, so she prayed, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, God’s perfect will. After several minutes, she had peace in her spirit that all was well and went back to sleep. Now that it was Sunday, she was curious as to what had transpired. Remember, this was before mobile phones and text messages. There was no way to contact me that night where we were.

As she shared her experience that night, again this was before I had told her anything about the trip, the events that evening took on a whole new dimension. There had been several rough looking men hanging around the area throughout the day, and more came after sunset. Some of them had even joined us around the fire. They may have viewed so many inebriated, and in some cases, very wealthy frat boys as easy targets. That might not even have been the real danger. Again, I did not sense a threat on any natural level. But God knew there was danger. And he knew my Mother would intercede on my behalf – there may have been others praying for all I know. Because of my Mother’s obedience, and faith in a loving God, 12 young men woke up safely in their beds on Sunday. God gets all the glory!

I have had experiences with darker forces as well. They usually come as sometimes dangerous, sinful, or self-destructive suggestions. For a mature Believer, these imaginations and temptations should be easily cast aside. But I have caught myself yielding to anger, strife, and stepping out of love on more than one occasion. But I repent, and God always forgives me because that is what Love does. And I praise Him for it. Each time this happens, I learn a little more how to master the love walk, growing closer to my Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus.

Evolution cannot explain love. I’m talking about Agape – or the God kind of love as described by Paul in 1 Corinthians 13. The meaning of love has been twisted so much that it is hard to fully understand the term on God’s level. The God kind of love is sacrificial, forgiving, joy, peace, abundance and everything good. Human love is at its core, selfish and falls far short of the ideal.

Love is a spiritual force. Can you imagine a man or woman without God offering unconditional love? It simply is not possible.

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. — John 3:16-17 <NLT>

What does it mean to be religious?

Within the various political “ism” movements out there, religion is often seen as an impediment to the overall goals of the group. To academia and the intellectuals among us, religion is dated, and is pushed into the same category as fairy tales, legends, and fantasy. They probably agree with Marx that it is an opiate of the masses. A view still held by most who have rejected God regardless of their political views.

You may find this shocking, but in some ways I agree with this concept. But don’t stop reading just yet until you hear me all the way. I have always defined religion as all the vain attempts man has made to reach God, or whatever they define as a higher power, and even if they see themselves as a deity.

Religion is man-made ceremonies, dogma, rules, traditions, and all the extra-biblical nonsense you find even sometimes in Christian denominations. During his time on Earth, Jesus made clear his disappointment in religion. He railed against the religious leaders of his time for their refusals to show mercy and enforcing all their man-made religious traditions and rules. The majority of these pushed people further away from their Creator, and made fellowship with their Heavenly Father much more difficult, if not impossible. (Matthew 12, 16:5-12, 20:1-16, 23; Mark 7:1-23, 12, 14:53-65; Luke 7:36-50, 11:37-53; 14:1-6, 18:9-14; John 5, 8:1-11, 9 and many other instances)

I went through a period of philosophical reflection in my life. I looked at all religions and my own faith to make sure I KNEW what I believed. I had ample evidence in my early years of the reality and truth of God’s love. Through the witness of my parents and the miraculous interventions in my life, it was hard to deny. But I had to know the Truth.

None of the religions made any sense whatsoever and relied far too much on works, or had too much uncertainty. I don’t believe the Creator of the universe would be so vague. It came down to either there is a God as portrayed by the Bible – remember, Jesus very clearly stated that if you have seen him, you have seen the Father (John 14), or this was one big giant cosmic accident. I find it hard for anyone with even a hint of intelligence, to believe all of creation just sort of happened one day, and then somehow evolved into even more complexity. There is too much evidence of a master designer, including LOVE itself. It would have required much more faith to believe in a big bang, than a loving Creator.

If you closely examine the life of Jesus, no other human has ever exhibited the life of love better and more thoroughly than he. If God IS love, as scripture maintains, He would act in love – healing the sick, raising the dead, feeding the hungry and giving himself for mankind. Which is exactly what Jesus did.

LOVE would do everything possible to reconnect with His lost children. LOVE would crave fellowship with His family. LOVE could not lie, or deceive you in anyway. LOVE would not force you to believe and would give you free will to choose light or darkness. LOVE would be Spirit, Life, Truth and The Way – the ONLY WAY to the Father. LOVE would be eternal. LOVE would forgive and forget. LOVE would make a way, where there is no way, for a fallen, sinful world, to be recreated as righteousness into the LOVE family. There is nothing in this fallen world that compares to the spiritual force of LOVE who IS GOD.

So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” — John 13:34-35 <NLT>

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Christmas Is Just Presents?

The decline and dismissal of Christmas. Why the Christmas holiday is still one of greatest celebrations in the history of mankind.

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Where Was God During 9/11?

It seems every time there is a national tragedy or terrorist attack or seemingly any random act of violence, the question comes up, "Where is God?" A discussion of God's promises of protection.

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Who’s Your Spiritual Daddy?

I recently read an article that challenged its readers with a quiz. Taking violent verses out of the Koran and Bible, the challenge was to name the source for the verse. The object of course was to prove that all religions are inherently evil – at least I think that was the point.

I do agree that individual verses without context can be twisted to mean just about anything. If we are drawing a comparison strictly between Christianity and Islam, there is a much better comparison – look at the founder and the fruit. There is a major difference between the life of Christ and the life of the prophet. Islam was spread almost exclusively by violent attacks and has been at war with civilization for over 1400 years – wiping out Christians, Jews, Hindus and other faiths in their path. For a good chronology of the spread of Islam click here and here. Rape, murder and violence were established as acceptable behavior from the very beginning and have continued into the present day.

Contrast that with the life of Christ (the founder and head of the Christian Church) and the true example of Christianity. I challenge you to find anywhere in his life where he raped or stoned anyone, attacked any villages for financial gain or destroyed any towns – in fact he rebuked his disciples for even suggesting that thought. (Luke 9:51-54) He also said if you have seen him (Jesus) you have seen the Father. (John 14)

Jesus healed the sick, forgave sinners, fed the masses and promptly ended any funeral he came upon by raising the dead! In the end, he willingly gave his life for all mankind – even those that refuse God’s love and forgiveness. If you want an ideal man to imitate, you can’t find anyone more perfect than Jesus Christ.

You will know people by their fruit. There may be some that do terrible things in the name of God, but that does not mean they are doing God’s will. John 10:10 is the dividing line in the Bible. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus came to give life (God’s love life) and all its abundance. That is your measuring stick as to what is from God and what is not. By their actions, you will discern their true spiritual father.

By reading and meditating John 10:10, it becomes obvious there is a spiritual battle in this world and there is no such thing as neutrality. While you live on this earth you still have a choice of which team to join. Here’s a hint: One side has already won the war.

Everyone needs to ask – who is my spiritual father? If it is anyone other than Jesus, I would highly recommend an immediate change of heart.

Secularists like to drag out the tired trope that religion is the cause of all evil. And I would agree, if that religion was created and ruled by anyone other than Christ. Secularism is merely a modern form of idolatry that places the state, or even the individual, in place of God. I think I would prefer my chances with God and His morality based on love, rather than someone who thinks they are God. read more

Why Do People Deny Spiritual Gifts?

After reading yet another article attacking various ministries and denying spiritual gifts, I felt the need to share some thoughts. I do not post the original article, because again my purpose is not to ridicule or embarrass the author. But hopefully this might help somebody with questions in this area.

You know its interesting, most of the Saducees and Pharisees, the church leaders and intellectuals of Jesus’ time, thought he was the devil, and did not believe in the resurrection, and claimed the miracles of Jesus were satanic. Sound familiar?

After the Holy Spirit was released, the established church persecuted the believers, even going so far as to round them up and kill them. It might be wise to remember Gamaliel’s wise words to the Sanhedrin in this instance: “Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men…I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” (Acts 5:34-39 NIV)

There are certainly devil-inspired charlatans and deceptive practices/movements in the world. But praying in the Spirit/tongues is scriptural. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is most definitely scriptural. Spend some time in the New Testament, especially Paul’s letters, and there is no denying this. In fact, it would take a theologian (a modern day pharisee) to argue against this.

Believe what you will, but here is my story. I grew up in a home with two loving, spirit-filled Christian parents. I witnessed many miracles and gifts of the Spirit operating in their life and my own through their intercession. It would take many paragraphs to share the miraculous events in my life. It was God moving in a spectacular way for my family in answer to prayer and in response to faith that He will do what we ask. As I have grown in the Word, I have been blessed many times by faith in God’s Word. God’s Word is true and full of life. But if you read it as a mental exercise and/or spend no time meditating on it, you will never truly HEAR it with your spirit and faith comes from hearing the Word of God.

Satan can operate even in Christians if they yield to his promptings and temptation. When I see articles like this or run across ministries that are completely focused on “exposing” other ministries – i.e. not walking in love, I question who is their spiritual father. It is definitely not the Holy Spirit because God is love.

And frankly, why be a Christian when you continually believe Him to be unwilling or unable to fulfill all of His promises in your life? What faith can you have in an impotent god? I attended a dead church for far too long. It sounded like God was a big lottery – maybe He will, maybe He will not, who knows what God will do? How can you have faith in that!? God wants you to trust Him and His Word. You can’t have true fellowship without trust (faith).

In John 10:10 – Jesus said Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to give me life in abundance, to the full, until it overflows (paraphrase of AMP). I take God at His Word and desire/want/enjoy everything He promises His children. He is my Heavenly Father. Why would He not want the very best for His kids including spiritual gifts to better communicate/interact/fellowship with God who is Spirit?

I guarantee you one thing, you will never receive what you write/speak/preach against. You will destroy whatever faith you might have that way.

Have you ever really read the account of Peter ministering to Cornelius and his household? (Acts 10)
Peter had a spiritual vision. He had been filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and was operating in the gifts of the Spirit. Cornelius had seen an angel. He was not born again or Spirit filled yet, that is why an angel had to visit him, but the angel could not preach the gospel. Cornelius had to send for Peter. Peter began preaching the Word and the entire household and guests, were born again and filled with the Holy Spirt – the evidence – Peter AND the Jewish believers HEARD them praying in a spiritual language and praising God.

Peter even says that God does not show favoritism after witnessing these new believers operating in spiritual gifts. Later Paul tells us that God never changes. If Cornelius and his entire household, including guests, could be filled with the Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues, why could this same gift not be manifest in the present day? Has God changed? Has the Holy Spirit changed? Or has the church preached against it so much that few people believe anymore?

I find it a little funny that the Jewish believers that came with Peter were “astonished” that the Holy Spirt filled these new Gentile believers. Even born again spirit-filled believers still have to renew their mind and get rid of racism, religious dogma and other demonic influences that hinder faith and love. read more

Why Does God Get the Blame?

Why Blame God?

The following blog post was in response to an article written asking why God allowed the Arizona shootings. No other topic brings out the passion in me than someone ignorantly blaming God for evil. The god of this world must be amused that he is never accused of anything.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. — John 10:10 <NIV> (Jesus speaking)

In the beginning, man was given dominion over the earth, but through sin, he was disconnected from God. If he accepts Jesus as his Savior, he is reborn into God’s family and reconnected to God by the Holy Spirit. If he has not, he is spiritually connected to the thief (satan). There is no middle ground or “lawful neutral” options.

Once you get some revelation from John 10:10, everything else in life and the Bible gets much easier to understand. The bottomline is who is your spiritual daddy? Who is the Lord of your life? There are only two possibilities.

Who do you think was the spiritual father of the Tucson shooter? Even if he had been saved at some point in his life, he was obviously greatly under the influence of evil. How do I know this? Because God is love. Love does not kill. Love does not hate people. Love forgives. Love looks for and expects the best out of people.

I know God and His angels are constantly working behind the scenes to warn and protect people because life is precious to Him. I’m sure there were people interceding for loved ones without knowing exactly what was going to happen. – I have experienced this grace firsthand in my life with my mother’s prayers that saved me more than once from danger. But how many people received warnings from the Holy Spirit and ignored them or dismissed them?

What fascinates me is how quick people blame God for violence, and the devil never gets any blame at all.

Originally posted January 2011.

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A Thunderstorm Lesson

A Thunderstorm Lesson

Today, I found myself reading in my bedroom when a late summer storm hit. Boris is usually terrified by storms, but this time he came and crouched on my lap. As the thunder and lightning intensified, he would start to move towards the utility room, his favorite “safe” place during storms. But I would talk to him and get his focus back on me and he would settle back down. Then there would be another clap of thunder, or more intensity in the rain, and he would take his eyes and attention off of me and back on the storm. This went on for almost the entire duration of the storm.

This was such an obvious lesson from God I had to immediately post it here. All Satan has is fear, lies and deception. As long as we have God’s Word in our heart (the Truth) we can overcome his lies. The thunder was scary, but as long as Boris was focused on me, he wasn’t afraid. Likewise, as we keep our focus on Jesus (the Word) we have no reason to be afraid.

How about some examples from the Word:

Numbers 21 – The Israelites were complaining yet again about their journey to the promised land. They claimed that Moses had brought them out into the desert to die. The Bible said that God sent poisonous snakes, but that is a mistranslation. Their own words opened the door for Satan and allowed him to bring destruction. Remember Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10) And even God said that He put before them life or death, Blessing or the curse and then told them to choose life (Deuteronomy 30:15-20). How would they do that? With the words of their mouth.

When they repented and turned back to God, Moses placed a bronze serpent on a pole. All who looked on this type of Christ, were immediately healed. We are in an even better position after the resurrection because we have complete salvation through faith in Jesus.

Matthew 14 – The disciples were on a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee. A big storm threatened to sink them and they were terribly afraid. Jesus came to them walking on the water. Peter said, “Lord if its really you, command me to come to you.” Based on what he said, the only answer Jesus could give was “Come.” Otherwise, he would have been lying.

Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on the water! But the Bible says that he became distracted by the waves and the storm and took his focus off of Jesus. His fear caused him to start to sink. He cried out for Jesus who lifted him up out of the water and into the boat. Jesus asked him, “Why did you doubt?” Its a question we need to sometimes ask ourselves.

I recently had another experience that will help you understand this note. As we study God’s Word and confess His promises, Satan comes immediately to steal the Word. Why? Because God’s Word brings joy, salvation, deliverance, light and truth. Satan wants you in darkness, stumbling about and falling for his lies.

I was out with a friend when I looked down and saw her IPhone, which has a very large viewing area with the current time. It was after midnight and a thought came to me – its September 5th now. This was my parent’s anniversary and it just happens to have been my anniversary as well. Normally, this date brought about all sorts of satanic attacks and depression. But I’ve gotten better at recognizing his evil ways. A little while later a complete stranger came over and sat near me. The very first words out of her mouth were, “Where’s your wife?” My response was totally from evil inspiration as the devil had used this woman to speak words that might have been an innocent misunderstanding, but were like fiery darts that penetrated my shield of faith.

I repented and moved on from the experience, but it was a lesson well learned. Control your thoughts. Keep Jesus (the Word) in focus and inside you at all times. This will bring joy and peace. Remember the joy of the Lord IS your strength!

Originally published September 2010. read more

God Does Not Abuse His Children!

God Does Not Abuse His Children!

“My (sickness) is one of the greatest gifts that God has given me.” — A Theologian

Recently, I read an article by a prominent theologian that made the point that his sickness was a “gift from God.” I edited his statement above and do not list his name. The point of this is not to judge or condemn this man.

But I am fascinated by Christians who make statements like the above – accusing my Heavenly Father of child abuse. Has he ever read John 10:10? Satan is the one that kills, steals and destroys. Jesus came to give you abundant life! Jesus healed everyone who believed and he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. You will never find anywhere in the Gospels an instance where Jesus made somebody sick. And remember, if you have seen Jesus, you have seen God!

He glorified God by healing, resurrecting folks and destroying ALL the works of the devil. Think of how much more glory God would get by this man’s testimony proving that God still heals! Instead, his testimony is that God made him sick. Why would any nonbeliever embrace a God who would make them sick? God is love. And just like any parent, He wants the very best for all His children.

And prosperity – why were Abraham, Job (even more after his restoration of what Satan stole from him), David, Solomon, Joseph, Isaac, Daniel so prosperous? God blessed them all which empowered them to prosper in everything they did. Jesus came to give that Blessing to those that believe in him. Why do Christian ministers continue to preach that poverty is a blessing? The funny thing is, they usually end their message by begging for money to pay the light bill.

Jesus was not poor. He had a money bag with enough wealth that Judas was stealing from him. Jesus had to feed and provide for many followers when he walked on the earth. He provided the very best wine in abundance at a wedding. He gave Peter two of the greatest hauls of fish he had ever seen in his lifetime, as well as a coin from a fish to pay their taxes. He fed 5,000 and 4,000 people with only a few fish and some bread and had baskets of leftovers both times. There was no lack in the ministry of Jesus!

The Gospel will not get spread by a bunch of broke and sick Christians. It takes money to travel, print books, translate, teach and share the Word. It takes health to minister and serve others. Jesus’ ministry flourished because people experienced miracles in every area of their lives. The best way to prove to unbelievers that Jesus lives is by them seeing their lives, spirit and body transformed.

I grew up in a dead church that taught that God was impotent – maybe He will, maybe not, who knows what He might do. I finally said enough. Either God’s Word is true or its not. Since I changed course and began to prove God as He tells us to in Malachi, I am seeing the Blessing work in my life in ways you can’t even imagine. I led the nation in sales and maxed out my budget last month in THIS economy. Remember Isaac’s hundredfold harvest during a drought? Praise God, He never changes!

I am healthy, happy and get up every morning thanking God for what He is doing in my life. I live to give because I’ve found that it truly is more of a blessing to give than receive because God keeps giving it back in abundance as He said He would. And on Sunday, I will leave on a 7 day cruise that was gift from my Heavenly Father who loves me and wants me to enjoy life as any father would want for his children. And I’m looking forward to some quality time with Him while I’m relaxing at sea.

Its your choice: God’s Blessing, or the curse. My house has chosen the former. One thing for sure, if you preach against divine health and prosperity, you certainly will never enjoy it, because you can’t have what you speak against.

But don’t just take my word for it. Get a good Bible translation and read it like you have never read it before. Leave your preconceived notions, religious dogma, traditions, opinions and sacred cows behind and let the Holy Spirit reveal to you God’s will for your life. That’s what I did and it is changing my life. It will change yours too. God loves you and gave His Word to build your faith to overcome any and every obstacle you face in life.

Here are some good verses to get you started:

God Is a God of Abundance

Old Testament: Genesis 26:12-14; Leviticus 26:1-10; Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Deuteronomy 30:8-16; Psalm 23; Psalm 36:5-10; Psalm 115:12-15; Proverbs 8:17-21; Joel 2:21-26; Malachi 3:10-12

New Testament: Luke 6:38; Luke 8:1-15; John 10:10; 2 Corinthians 9:6-11; Ephesians 3:19-21; Philippians 4:19; 1 Timothy 6:17-19

Healing – God’s Will and God’s Gift

Exodus 15:26; Exodus 23:25-26; Deuteronomy 7:9-15; Deuteronomy 28; Deuteronomy 30 – A choice between God’s Blessing, or the curse

Numbers 21:5-9; John 3:11-21 – Moses placed a bronze snake on a poll to heal the people, foreshadowing Christ’s work on the cross.

Psalm 107:13-22; Proverbs 4:20-27; John 1:1-17 – God sent His Word to heal.

Psalm 103; Isaiah 53; Matthew 8:14-17; Romans 8:1-17; Galatians 3:13-14; Ephesians 1:2-14; 1 Peter 2:21-25 – Jesus bore the entire curse on the cross – sin, sickness, death, poverty – to set you free!

Matthew 4:23-24; Matthew 9:35; Luke 4:33-36; Luke 13:11-17; John 10:10 – The thief (Satan) comes to steal and kill. Jesus came to heal.

This has gone long, but I want to share one more verse. These are not my words or opinion. These are the words of Jesus.


He (Jesus) replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” — Matthew 17:20 <NIV>

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God’s Little Message

God’s Little Message

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” — John 16:33

Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t send miraculous signs and messages to remind us of his love? I wondered that myself in the past. I rationalized the apparent silence to mean that there were more important things to attend to, or that maybe I wasn’t good enough.

Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth. God is always there in the good times and the bad, waiting to provide comfort in the way you need it most. I know from firsthand experience. Let me explain.

A few years ago I was at a low point in my life. I was suffering from the big “Ds”: Depression, Debt, and Divorce.

My world, that had seemed so perfect, had turned upside down. Probably out of habit, I continued attending Church. Although, I often asked myself why.
One particular Sunday morning, I was on my way home from church. The events of the last several years bombarded my thoughts. One phrase stood out from the rest, “You are a failure!”

I may have muttered a prayer, I don’t know for sure. My emotions had taken over and I was not thinking clearly. I was fighting back tears as the negative thoughts continued their rampage.

I came to an intersection and waited for the light to change. It was a large intersection over a freeway. Normally, I would go straight to get home. For some strange reason, I decided to take the service road. I turned and found myself stopped behind an old pickup truck at the next light. In the back window was a homemade sign that read,

“No Man Is A Failure Who Loves Jesus!”

I couldn’t stop staring at that sign. And then, I just started laughing and thanking God for His little message.

When I got home, my mind tried to rationalize it, “A human painted the sign, it was just a coincidence that you saw it.” But I wasn’t buying that nonsense. God had inspired that person to create that sign. He had this person arrive at the exact intersection and at the exact moment that I needed to see this particular message. With God, there are no coincidences.

I doubt that person ever knew what impact his sign had on my life. And I wonder if it was created exclusively for my benefit. I’ll probably never know in this life. But what I do know is this, at the moment I needed God’s loving attention, I received it. And I thank Him for it!

The next time things aren’t going so well, don’t be surprised if God gives you a little “sign”. He loves and cares for everyone, even you.

Originally published October 2000. read more