Category: Christianity

A Thunderstorm Lesson

A Thunderstorm Lesson

Today, I found myself reading in my bedroom when a late summer storm hit. Boris is usually terrified by storms, but this time he came and crouched on my lap. As the thunder and lightning intensified, he would start to move towards the utility room, his favorite “safe” place during storms. But I would talk to him and get his focus back on me and he would settle back down. Then there would be another clap of thunder, or more intensity in the rain, and he would take his eyes and attention off of me and back on the storm. This went on for almost the entire duration of the storm.

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God Does Not Abuse His Children!

God Does Not Abuse His Children!

“My (sickness) is one of the greatest gifts that God has given me.” — A Theologian

Recently, I read an article by a prominent theologian that made the point that his sickness was a “gift from God.” I edited his statement above and do not list his name. The point of this is not to judge or condemn this man.

But I am fascinated by Christians who make statements like the above – accusing my Heavenly Father of child abuse. Has he ever read John 10:10? Satan is the one that kills, steals and destroys. Jesus came to give you abundant life! Jesus healed everyone who believed and he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. You will never find anywhere in the Gospels an instance where Jesus made somebody sick. And remember, if you have seen Jesus, you have seen God!

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A Very Special Christmas Blog

A Very Special Christmas Blog

One of my favorite holiday movies is It’s A Wonderful Life. I’ve probably watched it 50 times and it never grows old. If you’ve never seen it, or just forgot the story, it involves a man named George Bailey. Now George has always wanted to do great things. But throughout his life, circumstances have caused him to settle for what he believes is a less than a wonderful life.

The pivotal moment comes when he is faced with a financial loss that will destroy his business and family. As he sits on the bridge considering suicide, an angel named Clarence intercedes to save his life. Since George thinks he is a failure, Clarence gives him the opportunity to see what his community would be like if he had never been born.

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God’s Little Message

God’s Little Message

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” — John 16:33

Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t send miraculous signs and messages to remind us of his love? I wondered that myself in the past. I rationalized the apparent silence to mean that there were more important things to attend to, or that maybe I wasn’t good enough.

Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth. God is always there in the good times and the bad, waiting to provide comfort in the way you need it most. I know from firsthand experience. Let me explain.

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Remembering 9-11

Sometimes it seems I'm the last to know what's happening in the world. I didn't know we had been attacked until well after all four jets had made their deadly plunge.

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Christmas Memories

Do you remember what you received for Christmas when you were 6? How about 7? Or 8? Its nearly impossible for me to remember the gifts. But what I do remember, is priceless.

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