Tag: Jesus

Christmas Is Just Presents?

The decline and dismissal of Christmas. Why the Christmas holiday is still one of greatest celebrations in the history of mankind.

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Where Was God During 9/11?

It seems every time there is a national tragedy or terrorist attack or seemingly any random act of violence, the question comes up, "Where is God?" A discussion of God's promises of protection.

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Jesus Heals A Bent Over Woman – Luke 13

Commentary on the Biblical story of Jesus healing the woman bound by Satan found in Luke 13.

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Easter Sunday

There are no eggs or Easter bunnies here. This is a post about one of the most exciting events so far on this planet, the resurrection of Jesus!

What happened in Israel 2,000 years ago is the foundation of Christianity. Religions throughout the world have all sorts of rules and dogma telling you how you can earn eternal life or win the favor of their respective deity. Some require you to even murder “infidels” or sacrifice yourself to enter paradise. That is all foolishness in the eyes of God.

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Who’s Your Spiritual Daddy?

I recently read an article that challenged its readers with a quiz. Taking violent verses out of the Koran and Bible, the challenge was to name the source for the verse. The object of course was to prove that all religions are inherently evil – at least I think that was the point.

I do agree that individual verses without context can be twisted to mean just about anything. If we are drawing a comparison strictly between Christianity and Islam, there is a much better comparison – look at the founder and the fruit. There is a major difference between the life of Christ and the life of the prophet. Islam was spread almost exclusively by violent attacks and has been at war with civilization for over 1400 years – wiping out Christians, Jews, Hindus and other faiths in their path. For a good chronology of the spread of Islam click here and here. Rape, murder and violence were established as acceptable behavior from the very beginning and have continued into the present day.

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Thou Shalt Not Wear Short Skirts

When Religion Goes Bad

I was doing some research for a writing project based on Psalm 22. This is the Psalm quoted by Jesus on the cross. In it, David, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, vividly reveals in precise detail some of the events surrounding the crucifixion of Christ. This is centuries before the actual event and hundreds of years before crucifixion was even widely practiced.  It is an amazing Psalm, but I digress a bit.

I came across a sermon that was quite good. But then, a third of the way through, the preacher goes off on a tangent on girls wearing short skirts, revealing attire, makeup, dancing etc. I stopped at that point.

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Why Do People Deny Spiritual Gifts?

After reading yet another article attacking various ministries and denying spiritual gifts, I felt the need to share some thoughts. I do not post the original article, because again my purpose is not to ridicule or embarrass the author. But hopefully this might help somebody with questions in this area.

You know its interesting, most of the Saducees and Pharisees, the church leaders and intellectuals of Jesus’ time, thought he was the devil, and did not believe in the resurrection, and claimed the miracles of Jesus were satanic. Sound familiar?

After the Holy Spirit was released, the established church persecuted the believers, even going so far as to round them up and kill them. It might be wise to remember Gamaliel’s wise words to the Sanhedrin in this instance: “Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men…I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” (Acts 5:34-39 NIV)

There are certainly devil-inspired charlatans and deceptive practices/movements in the world. But praying in the Spirit/tongues is scriptural. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is most definitely scriptural. Spend some time in the New Testament, especially Paul’s letters, and there is no denying this. In fact, it would take a theologian (a modern day pharisee) to argue against this.

Believe what you will, but here is my story. I grew up in a home with two loving, spirit-filled Christian parents. I witnessed many miracles and gifts of the Spirit operating in their life and my own through their intercession. It would take many paragraphs to share the miraculous events in my life. It was God moving in a spectacular way for my family in answer to prayer and in response to faith that He will do what we ask. As I have grown in the Word, I have been blessed many times by faith in God’s Word. God’s Word is true and full of life. But if you read it as a mental exercise and/or spend no time meditating on it, you will never truly HEAR it with your spirit and faith comes from hearing the Word of God.

Satan can operate even in Christians if they yield to his promptings and temptation. When I see articles like this or run across ministries that are completely focused on “exposing” other ministries – i.e. not walking in love, I question who is their spiritual father. It is definitely not the Holy Spirit because God is love.

And frankly, why be a Christian when you continually believe Him to be unwilling or unable to fulfill all of His promises in your life? What faith can you have in an impotent god? I attended a dead church for far too long. It sounded like God was a big lottery – maybe He will, maybe He will not, who knows what God will do? How can you have faith in that!? God wants you to trust Him and His Word. You can’t have true fellowship without trust (faith).

In John 10:10 – Jesus said Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to give me life in abundance, to the full, until it overflows (paraphrase of AMP). I take God at His Word and desire/want/enjoy everything He promises His children. He is my Heavenly Father. Why would He not want the very best for His kids including spiritual gifts to better communicate/interact/fellowship with God who is Spirit?

I guarantee you one thing, you will never receive what you write/speak/preach against. You will destroy whatever faith you might have that way.

Have you ever really read the account of Peter ministering to Cornelius and his household? (Acts 10)
Peter had a spiritual vision. He had been filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and was operating in the gifts of the Spirit. Cornelius had seen an angel. He was not born again or Spirit filled yet, that is why an angel had to visit him, but the angel could not preach the gospel. Cornelius had to send for Peter. Peter began preaching the Word and the entire household and guests, were born again and filled with the Holy Spirt – the evidence – Peter AND the Jewish believers HEARD them praying in a spiritual language and praising God.

Peter even says that God does not show favoritism after witnessing these new believers operating in spiritual gifts. Later Paul tells us that God never changes. If Cornelius and his entire household, including guests, could be filled with the Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues, why could this same gift not be manifest in the present day? Has God changed? Has the Holy Spirit changed? Or has the church preached against it so much that few people believe anymore?

I find it a little funny that the Jewish believers that came with Peter were “astonished” that the Holy Spirt filled these new Gentile believers. Even born again spirit-filled believers still have to renew their mind and get rid of racism, religious dogma and other demonic influences that hinder faith and love. read more

Lord, even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the table.

Lord, even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the table.

I am presently working on a page about Jesus healing the daughter of a Syrophoenician (Matthew 15:21-28 Mark 7:24-30). Part of this requires research to find other sources that might be helpful to my readers. I was so saddened by some of the commentary out there about our Lord and savior Jesus.

One page said that Jesus was tired and annoyed, so as a human, insulted the woman. Really? God is love and Jesus is the Son of God who never sinned, therefore he acted out of love?

Another hinted that Jesus was a racist for seemingly not wanting to heal this Gentile woman. But that did not stop him with the Centurion.

A few others suggested it was the woman’s continual begging that did the trick. But begging does not move God, faith does. Begging comes from fear and that is the complete opposite of faith. How many times does the Bible say “fear not?”

And we wonder why people don’t trust such an uncertain and unpredictable God as portrayed by the above. Who wants to draw near God if they thought He would only insult and reject them?

Let’s do a quick review of the miracle.

There were several lessons to be learned in the exchange. The first lesson was the disciples needed to be taught a lesson on love. They were annoyed by this Gentile mother begging Jesus to heal her daughter. The 2nd was for the mother who needed to learn that begging was not going to connect her to God’s power.

Jesus said that he was sent to the children of Israel first and it was not right to give the bread for the children to the dogs. The disciples probably started nodding and high fiving each other at this response that seemed to comfirm their own biases. But think about the mother who only a few seconds ago was begging. Those words snapped that begging spirit right out. Her answer could only have come from her spirit, which is where faith dwells. She said the dogs get the crumbs. The mother had spoken in faith and received her miracle. We know she had faith because Jesus said, “Great is your faith.”

Faith comes from the heart/spirit hearing God’s Word and is released by speaking it. It is also interesting to note that God’s Word, Jesus, is also referred to as the Bread of Life (John 6:35), which makes their exchange all the more interesting.

I struggled with revelation on this until I more closely studied the water to the wine miracle. Jesus seemed to be rather harsh to his mother when she told him that they had run out wine. But in a similar fashion, she came to him complaining about the problem. Jesus needs faith! It was at this point that Mary said to the servants “Do whatever he says.” With her faith released, Jesus could provide the solution. (John 2:1-12)

Whenever in doubt about a difficult passage, remember some Bible basics:

God does not lie (Numbers 23:19).
God is love (1 John 4:8).
God shows no partiality (Romans 2:11).
Jesus does the work of the Father (John 10:37).
Jesus came to bring abundant life, not sickness and death (John 10:10).
Wherever Jesus found faith, miracles happened, but unbelief blocks miracles (Matthew 13:54-58 Matthew 17:19-20 Mark 6:4-6).
Jesus never sinned (Hebrews 4:15).
Anything that is not faith is a sin (Romans 14:23).

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A Thunderstorm Lesson

A Thunderstorm Lesson

Today, I found myself reading in my bedroom when a late summer storm hit. Boris is usually terrified by storms, but this time he came and crouched on my lap. As the thunder and lightning intensified, he would start to move towards the utility room, his favorite “safe” place during storms. But I would talk to him and get his focus back on me and he would settle back down. Then there would be another clap of thunder, or more intensity in the rain, and he would take his eyes and attention off of me and back on the storm. This went on for almost the entire duration of the storm.

This was such an obvious lesson from God I had to immediately post it here. All Satan has is fear, lies and deception. As long as we have God’s Word in our heart (the Truth) we can overcome his lies. The thunder was scary, but as long as Boris was focused on me, he wasn’t afraid. Likewise, as we keep our focus on Jesus (the Word) we have no reason to be afraid.

How about some examples from the Word:

Numbers 21 – The Israelites were complaining yet again about their journey to the promised land. They claimed that Moses had brought them out into the desert to die. The Bible said that God sent poisonous snakes, but that is a mistranslation. Their own words opened the door for Satan and allowed him to bring destruction. Remember Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10) And even God said that He put before them life or death, Blessing or the curse and then told them to choose life (Deuteronomy 30:15-20). How would they do that? With the words of their mouth.

When they repented and turned back to God, Moses placed a bronze serpent on a pole. All who looked on this type of Christ, were immediately healed. We are in an even better position after the resurrection because we have complete salvation through faith in Jesus.

Matthew 14 – The disciples were on a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee. A big storm threatened to sink them and they were terribly afraid. Jesus came to them walking on the water. Peter said, “Lord if its really you, command me to come to you.” Based on what he said, the only answer Jesus could give was “Come.” Otherwise, he would have been lying.

Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on the water! But the Bible says that he became distracted by the waves and the storm and took his focus off of Jesus. His fear caused him to start to sink. He cried out for Jesus who lifted him up out of the water and into the boat. Jesus asked him, “Why did you doubt?” Its a question we need to sometimes ask ourselves.

I recently had another experience that will help you understand this note. As we study God’s Word and confess His promises, Satan comes immediately to steal the Word. Why? Because God’s Word brings joy, salvation, deliverance, light and truth. Satan wants you in darkness, stumbling about and falling for his lies.

I was out with a friend when I looked down and saw her IPhone, which has a very large viewing area with the current time. It was after midnight and a thought came to me – its September 5th now. This was my parent’s anniversary and it just happens to have been my anniversary as well. Normally, this date brought about all sorts of satanic attacks and depression. But I’ve gotten better at recognizing his evil ways. A little while later a complete stranger came over and sat near me. The very first words out of her mouth were, “Where’s your wife?” My response was totally from evil inspiration as the devil had used this woman to speak words that might have been an innocent misunderstanding, but were like fiery darts that penetrated my shield of faith.

I repented and moved on from the experience, but it was a lesson well learned. Control your thoughts. Keep Jesus (the Word) in focus and inside you at all times. This will bring joy and peace. Remember the joy of the Lord IS your strength!

Originally published September 2010. read more