Tag: Freedom

Green Is The New Gospel

In the 70s, my elementary school took a break from teaching necessary things like reading, writing, and arithmetic, to scare the britches off us kids about the coming ice age. Our biggest concern in life up to that point was what game would be played at recess. Now, it was how to escape the coming glaciers and make it to Mexico before we froze to death. While the cause of the coming disaster was not directly linked to human activity, there was certainly plenty of hints that it was related to modern society. And the solutions, less freedom, more regulation, and higher taxes, were not that much different than the ones claimed to be necessary to stop global warming, which paused over a decade ago.

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Freedom From Religion

Around every Christian holiday, I can count on seeing a post or two shared on Facebook from an organization whose mission in life is to be free from religion. Strangely, I strongly endorse their efforts – but likely not in the way they imagine.

To understand what religion is, you must travel back to the beginning. God created Adam from the dust of the ground and filled him with spiritual life. He placed His children in the Garden and gave them dominion over the Earth.

However, they weren’t alone for long. There was an enemy present, Satan. His rebellion before led to a catastrophic judgment of Earth, leaving it in darkness, and covered with water. This was the condition when God recreated the earth in Genesis 1. He was an outsider, an intruder, and had Adam or Eve exercised their authority, they could have sent him packing. Instead, he engaged in a conversation with Eve. And she listened to what he had to say.

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Independence Day

Independence Day

Tomorrow of course is July 4th, the day we celebrate American Independence. For some its a time to travel, watch fireworks, go to the lake, or just relax. Few really appreciate all that transpired some 232 years ago in Philadelphia. So of course you have me to remind you.

By July of 1776, the Thirteen Colonies had been at war with Great Britain for over a year. At the start of hostilities, there were still many that had hoped for a peaceful settlement of grievances with the mother country. Among the many issues were excessive taxation and lack of representation. Also, the tyranny of King George and Parliament who saw the colonies as assets to exploit instead of citizens with rights of the Empire.

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