Month: August 2013

In the Garden of Eden

And God Blessed Them

“Why Did This Happen To me?”

Its a question that gets asked far too often. And unfortunately, it is often coupled with a belief that tragedy, sickness, or death was sent by God. It is like a no-fault religion. A belief system that takes absolutely no responsibility for what happens in life. But as in the natural world, you have cause and effect. In the spiritual world, its called sowing and reaping.

This topic sometimes makes people uncomfortable. The opposite should be the case, especially for Believers. If you are prone to ask these types of questions, or question God, remind yourself of God’s ultimate will for mankind. This can be found throughout the Bible. But let’s look at Genesis 1 to get started – underlining added for emphasis.

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Day 4 – Lazarus, Come Forth!

In John 11, there is a remarkable story of Jesus raising Lazarus back to life after his death 4 days earlier. Jesus had already demonstrated God’s Power and Glory numerous times, and in numerous ways, including raising the dead widow’s son at Nain (Luke 7:11-17), and the daughter of Jairus (Matthew 9:18-26, Mark 5:21-43, Luke 8:41-56). This miracle stands out not only for what was actually done, but for the revelation in these verses.

Let’s take a quick look back at the facts. Mary, Martha, and their brother Lazarus lived in Bethany. They were good friends of Jesus and had hosted Jesus and his disciples in their home. When Lazarus falls gravely ill, the sisters send a messenger to Jesus, who was about 18 miles away. By the time the messenger arrives, approximately a day, Lazarus had already died. Jesus was well aware of the situation. I really like how Holman translates his response to the messenger.

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